Thursday, April 12, 2012

Times flies...

OMGoodness has it really been 7 months since my last post??!!! So much has happened in life since last Sept.  First and biggest is that Tab lost his job.  That was a toughie but through it all God kept reminding us that He is is charge.  So many of our church friends and family stepped in and made sure we were taken care of.  Christmas was especially a blessed time, none of us had any lack I can tell you!
 Another biggie that happened here was that our Rottweiler had puppies!! 8 beautiful shiny coated puppies were born on Dec.31, 2 girls and 6 boys. I did find out some thing I didn't know, is that there can be multiple daddies when it comes to dogs.  So one puppy might look one kind of dog and another puppy can look like another kind of dog because, well they are! We gave all but 2 away.  We kept one boy, Tip and one girl, Brindy.  Soooo.... now we have 5 dogs.  WHAT WAS I THINKING!!!!?????
Back to the family.  Tab finally got a great job which he started on Feb. 13. It is everything that we prayed for except it is a little bit farther than we wanted it to be but hey, who cares! we have a job!!!
My life is extremely full, almost to the point of crazy, but really I couldn't  imagine it any other way.
Now that Spring is here in Oklahoma, I am really wanting to plant a garden, but somehow haven't gotten it done, I may concede to just buying from the different Farmer's Markets that are around, it would be much easier to do with a 2 year old who is just playing with my hopes of potty training.
Oh life is calling me.  Hopefully I'll be back soon

My prayer is that no matter what life hands you, you can find peace and comfort in my Lord Jesus Christ

Have a great ride and make it count

<3 M

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Think about it..........

What do you have hidden your heart.....?

It could be Jesus..........!

Can you PICTURE it.................?

My prayer is that our eyes will all be open and our hearts tender

Thanks for taking a moment of you're time to share with me

Have a great ride and make it count

<3 ~ M

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Borrowed "Water bottle"

I did not write this BUT I did receive permission to re-post it.  It moved me to tears and wanted to share;

"My water bottle.......and how it brought me to tears"
 By Deana Kelikliian Spyers
There are times our children bring us to tears.  Sometimes those tears are brought about because of difficult times, harsh words, or unnecessary fights.  But there are those moments when something so precious takes place, that there is no other expression to describe the feeling you get inside, other than tears.  Tonight I had two of those special moments.

As we were driving home, we were talking about choices and how one choice can ruin your whole life or at least make it take a turn in a very wrong direction.  Jackson said to me, "Mom, there's times when I want to cuss at Riley and Gigi or hit them because they make me so angry!  And you know what I do?  I rebuke the devil and tell him I'm not going to do it."    I told him that was a good thing, but that the Bible was the best weapon he had and that if those thoughts came back again that he should start speaking scripture.  Like Matthew 5:44 "Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you."  or Matthew 5:39 "Do not resist an evil person.   If someone strikes you on the cheek, turn the other also."

I told him about how, as a child, I was often afraid at night.  My dad put Luke 10:19 on my wall and to this day, I can quote it:  "I have given you the power to tread on serpants and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy so that nothing shall by any means hurt you."  It helped me to not be afraid...that's the power the Word has.  Jack thought about that a few minutes then said, "Mom, do you think you could write out some scriptures for me on pieces of paper so when i start thinking those things, I could read those scriptures?  or put them on index cards and put the cards on a ring so I can hang it from my belt?"

I can't express what I felt in that moment.  Success, joy, pride, tenderness...such an array of emotions that only a tear could express....followed by a "absolutely, yes!"

Later, as Jackson said his prayers, he said, "God, please don't let mommy dump out all of her water bottle.  Let her keep some for herself.  And don't let her guzzle it.  Don't let other people drink it all, either, but let her give some away and keep some too."

I had no idea what he was talking about.  But before I started praying, he interrupted me and asked if I knew what he meant.  He went on to explain.

In chapel today, whoever spoke said that every morning we are given a new bottle filled with water.  Some people guzzle it all for themselves, never sharing it with others.  Some people give it all away and are left with none.  But God intends for us to give some away and keep some for ourselves.

Jack said, "Mommy, you give all your water away.  And it's a good thing, because God has blessed us so much because of it.  But you need to keep some of it and not give it all to us.  You need some time for need to keep some of your water.  You're the best mom and you give so much.  I like that about you."

Again, there were emotions I couldn't even put into words.  I looked at him and all I could say was, "I love you, Jack."  And through my tears, I prayed over him.

There are times my kids leave me in awe because of their wisdom, their heart, their spirit...their love for me....but mostly because of their love for God and their desire to do what pleases God.  My kids are not perfect, but there are moments like these that I realize they get it.  The foundation is there and it is strong.  The little (sometimes seemingly big) things will work themselves out, because my children are grounded in God's Word.  And sometimes God uses the mouth of a babe to correct us or guide us...and does so, so lovingly.

Today my water bottle is completely empty...I gave it all away.  But I look forward to a new one tomorrow.  I know I will smile as I share it, but I will be sure to save a few drops for myself and will take time to savor its refreshment.

My prayer for today is that we all can refresh someone else with our "Water bottles"

Thanks for taking a moment of your time to share with me

Have a great ride and make it count

<3 ~ M

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

What a wonderful morning, Oh what a wonderful day!

 In Ecclesiastes 3:1, it states, "For everything there is a season...", I love the changing of the seasons, the newness that each time brings.  My most favorite season is Autumn or Fall depending on which part of the country you are from.
Here in Oklahoma, we really only have two distinctive seasons, hot and humid, and cold and icy, so when we get to actually experience a cooling down and see the leaves slowly changes, we enjoy it.
One of my favorite things to do is to show my children the changing of the leaves, to point out to them the different colors.  The beautiful golds, the brilliant oranges, the purples that some of the trees turn to, all just for us to see.  I love how it can be almost cold in the mornings and in need of a heavier jacket, but by afternoon time, it is short sleeves you want to be in.
I also love that it is time to start baking again, after the hot summer it feels good to actually turn on my oven.  The smells! OH!, the smells of something yummy getting all gooey or cinnamon-y or apple-y, or just plain happy in my oven is enough to make a smile come across my face everytime.
But those are just part of why I love this season so much.
I guess it is all of it, the feeling you get when you cheer on the hometown football team, since it IS now football season too. The hint of the up coming holidays, the crackle of leaves on the ground, the bonfires with the marshmallows turning almost black, snuggling up in a favorite sweater, all combined to make a wonderful season for us to enjoy.
Yep, I really think God knew what He was doing when He made this season.

My prayer is that we can all just take a little bit of time and marvel at the beauty this season has to offer and maybe find a little peace in ourselves in doing so.

Thanks for taking a moment of your time to spend with me today..

Have a great ride and make it count.

<3 ~ M

Monday, September 12, 2011

So what did YOU do today?

Over this past weekend my family and I saw a very eye-opening and thought provoking movie, "To save a life" ( I highly recommend it, especially if you have kids).
It addresses a very real very painful way of life for some people, it is the twin sister to bullying, and that is being ignored. Both can be devastating to the person who is the recipient.
  The definition of ignored is: 1. To refrain for noticing or recognizing, to ignore., 2. to reject.
This feeling is very real to lots of people, sometimes to the point of feeling like life would be better with out them.
Have you ever looked back through a yearbook and saw someone that you didn't recognize or even remember? Chances are you never "saw" them, that they didn't really matter to you.  I've done it.  But the saddest part is people continue to do it once they have grown up and gone out in to the world.  At work, the store, or church, everywhere.
The world is full of lonely people.
 It's easy to stop, just go beyond yourself, give a genuine smile, say "HI!", take an extra moment to be a friendly.  And who knows in doing those simple little things you may even gain a friend.

Proverbs 27:9, " Just as lotions and fragrance give sensual delight, a sweet friendship refreshes the soul." MSG

My prayer today is for all of us to be aware of those around us.

Thanks for taking a moment of your time to spend with me today.

Have a great ride and make it count!

<3 ~ M

Monday, August 29, 2011

So...what you waiting for?

Think back to the last time you  willingly waited in line for something.  Was it for tickets to your favorite band? A big sporting event? Or maybe it was that long-anticipated summer blockbuster?  The latest electronic device? What was it?

All of us have waited for something, and the reason is simple.  That thing whatever it was, was extremely important to us.
BUT what about the DMV?

We don't enjoy the DMV experience, but we do enjoy the ability to drive, and so we endure the DMV because driving is important to us.
The simple fact is this:  We don't want to wait for things that don't matter to us, and our willingness to wait is an indication of how much we value something.  When we wait we are essentially saying, "This is worth it!"

In Psalm 62:1, David says, "My soul silently waits for God."  This simple statement says a lot about his heart.  It reveals how much David valued God, that God is "worth it" as far as he was concerned.
What we are willing to wait for reveals a lot about us.  It shows what lies at the core of our being.  So are we willing to wait on the Lord?  If not, it might mean we lack confidence and trust in Him, that we don't value Him. But if we're like David, willingly to silently wait on the Lord, then it speaks volumes about how much we appreciate Him, from whom our salvation come.

Thanks for taking a moment of your time to spend with me.

My prayer is that we all take a little more time to patiently wait upon our Lord, to trust on, rely on, and be confident in Him.

Have a great ride and make it count!

<3 ~ M

Friday, August 26, 2011

WHAT was I thinking?!!

I have finally done it, I have taken the dive, I crossed the point of no return
I............... got a tattoo!!!
What in the world was I thinking you might ask?  Well.....this is what I was thinking, why not! I have gone back and forth for so many years: YES do it! No I don't want one.  Well I finally made the decision, I know that it is there forever, wont ever come off no matter how hard I scrub.
Jesus wants to be like that in your life, to never leave or forsake you, the decision is your to make.  No one else can do it for you You alone, and it is life changing. People go around for years trying to decide if it is some thing they really want to do.  Get off the fence and just do it!  It's alot easier than getting a tattoo, believe me I know! ;-)
All you have to do is believe in your heart that Jesus is the Son of God, that He died for your sins and to save you from those sins. Ask Him to live in your heart and to be your Lord today. DONE! That easy. You will never regret the decision.

My prayer for you today is that you know that I love you and Jesus loves you.

Thank you for taking a moment of you time to be with me today.

Have a great ride and make it count

<3 ~ M